What Does SUPERSTAR Mean to You?

What Does SUPERSTAR Mean to You?

Hey Dolls! 

We want to know your thoughts on Superstar status! 
What does it mean to you to be a SUPERSTAR? 

Tell us your story--whether you have been one since the beginning, or have never been one but always wanted to be one, we want to know! What are the benefits you enjoy the most? Why have you attained Superstar OR why not?

 Write about it in your Diary. Of the entries submitted, 10 will be chosen and will receive 1 month of Superstar FREE! 


-Write up to 1000 characters on the above-mentioned topic in the box below by May 1  
-Make sure your writing is your own, is original, and gives us insight into your thoughts on Superstar status 

 -Have fun!
